Tag Archives: Frozen

Lets Not Hate On The Disney Princesses

This may perhaps be too much of a controversial topic for a new blogger, but I’m going to tackle it as best I can anyway.

Everyone knows the Disney Princesses. From Snow White to Princess Anna, we’ve fallen in love with the ladies of Disney. As time progresses and feminism becomes more and more of a discussed and debated topic, I see more and more hate on the original Disney Princesses. My only question is why? Don’t get me wrong, I respect women, I am one for goodness’ sake. However, I don’t believe Walt Disney was thinking crazy, horrible, sexist thoughts when he gave Snow White a face, Ariel her red hair, or Belle her books. How can we blame him for what the Grim brothers wrote?

It’s no secret that princesses are generally admired for their grace, charm, and gentle-spirits. Especially in the time these particular people were writing about princesses. Walt Disney didn’t come up with Sleeping Beauty’s story or character. He simply took her story and edited it then put it on screen for audiences of all ages to enjoy. The world was fairly young when people were first writing about the ladies we know as the original Disney Princesses. They weren’t thinking that women in the future would be offended by their lack of street smarts. So Aurora danced with a stranger in the woods, it is Disney, these are fairytales, not real life.

Besides, how can we hate on Disney? He didn’t know what would be happening in 2014. And really, have all the princesses let feminists of the world down? Disney made attempts to redeem itself. They gave you Mulan, she saved China. Disney gave you the sassy and fierce Meg, the brave and defiant Jasmine, he gave you Queen Elsa, and let’s not forget Merida. Merida is a brave and fiery redhead who don’t need no man to complete her (yes I mean’t to sound sassy.)

Even so, I don’t think we should hate on Walt Disney and the classics. Disney was a product of his time and if you don’t like it, then that’s okay. But I myself have been critiqued for enjoying the classic princess movies and I disagree with that. Everyone has their opinions and one is not better than the other and one doesn’t make it wrong. I don’t like this idea of tolerance unless you don’t believe what another believes and that is truly what it’s beginning to seem like.

Everyone has the right to enjoy what they wish, but we can’t dislike characters like Cinderella, Ariel, Aurora, and Belle because they are as women in their time would be. The mind set of the world is constantly changing, social stigmas in the past are in the past. Now we can simply enjoy pieces of film for what they are and were without criticizing those who wrote, directed, and created the films.

I do hope I haven’t offended anyone. These are only my opinions and please feel free to post your views and ideas in comments! I hope you enjoy this post, follow my blog, and enjoy many more posts to come. Some of which will be much lighter I assure you.



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